Your blog/homepage/etc:
Spread the humanclock.com love to your blog/website/etc! Simply configure the widget and then paste the code into the appropriate place on your afformentioned blog/website/etc.


Time Format:

Widget code:
p.s. Don't forget to check out the Humancalendar.com widgets!
Macintosh OSX Dashboard:
Windows 7/Vista Desktop Gadget:
                             /       \
                            |  .   .  |
                            |    .    |
                            |   \_/   |
                             \       /
                   |     x     xxx        x   x   xxx    |
                   |   xxx    x   x   o   x   x  x   x   |
                   |     x    x   x       xxxxx  x   x   |
                   |     x    x   x   o       x  x   x   |
                   |   xxxxx   xxx            x   xxx    |
                   |                                     |
                                / \
                               /   \
                              /     \ 